Posted by Chris Case on Monday, August 04, 2008 at 14:16:00 :
In Reply to: A jar of laquer thinner & acetone mixed... posted by chriscase on Monday, August 04, 2008 at 14:07:39 :
When I use thinner to clean a gun, I dump it into a used gallon can. Then next time, I use the used stuff to wash the paint out, and only new thinner for the final rinse. All the old stuff, no matter how painty, goes into the junk can. The pigments settle out, and next time, I pour the cleaner stuff off the top to clean the gun. lacquer, paint, synthetic reducers, whatever dirty thinners go back into the can, settling out. I'll even use it to thin paint for things like shop equipment, "shop black" doesn't seem to mind.