Posted by Bob in North GA on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 03:54:12 :
Today, I got my first tour of the battleship "Missouri". 'Got the guided tour down into her bowells--awesome! 'Snapped a pic of the "Surrender Deck" with the "USS Arizona" memorial in the background here in Pearl Harbor. The symbolism is intentional: They started it here--we ended it here! There are almost as many Japanese visitors annually as there are Americans. It is a very instructive and memorable visit for all.
When one enters the dark, tight, WARM chambers of those monsterous 16" gun turrents with most of the 6 stories of operations hidden from view and much below water level--you have to respect the valor and teamwork of those brave men. Many of the same breed sit entombed on the bottom of Pearl in the Arizona.
Remember Pearl Harbor!
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