Eyeglasses are so overpriced, I cheat the system all I can.

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Posted by chris case on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 00:37:07 :

In Reply to: "What a drag it is getting old" posted by Tim Holloway on Monday, July 21, 2008 at 20:26:33 :

I buy 'engineer' safety glasses from Grainger, six at a time. They look like 'aviators'. About $4 each. Then I grind the rivets that hold the side shields on, and remove the shields- my HMO won't touch safety glasses. Around here, most opto's won't. Then, take one black framed and one gold to my HMO, where I get the black ones in far vision, and the gold ones in near. $59 each, with a $135 credit, so I lose $17. Then swap new ear pieces with the side shields on them onto the gold/near frames. Costs me $8 for one pair of far, and a set of prescription safety glasses. Then when I step on one set, a new frame is on the shelf already, $4.

I need the far glasses because of prism, and near ones for up close. Medium range, don't need any.

Bifocals are never in the right spot, and didn't work under the welding hood, probably because my pointy head doesn't really fit hoods. I can't snap the hood shut either, without the hood flying off. Which is OK by my neck, which just don't like being jerked around any more then the rest of me.

It's not just my eyes getting old.

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