Posted by Bob Stopka on Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 13:46:49 :
In Reply to: MU2A Winch - For Sale - Free Delivery Ct - Vt - Fla Route posted by Bob Stopka on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 03:27:43 :
Anyone interest in the winch, please drop me an email at
and please provide a good phone number and time to call in the email. I spoke to my brother and he will get photos to me sometime soon after July 4th, and I can email them out to whoever is interested. I will also send this message via email to those who have replied so far. Thanks.
I live in Fla but will be in Ct / Mass around July 22nd. The winch is in Mass at my brothers and I can email photos of it by July 23rd, the day after I arrive. I plan on being at the Green Mountain PW rally in Vt on the 25th or 26th of July. Asking price for all is $ 650.00 delivered. If anyone is interested, give me a call on my cell at 850-624-6319, or email me at and provide a phone number in your email and a good time to call you. Thanks, Bob Stopka