Posted by Joel Wilkins on Friday, June 27, 2008 at 12:13:18 :
I relocated my vertical air compressor and have got back to work bead blasting my parts and now the air in the compressor in getting scalding hot.
Nothing is different from the way I was using it before except that now the compressor's located outside, under cover, behind my shed and is plumbed through the outside wall of the shed so I can access it from inside.
But the compressor itself is getting very hot. The tank and the black iron pipe i used to get the air into the shed is too hot to touch. This didn't happen before when the compressor was in the garage.
The only thing different I can think of is the distance between the compressor and the blast cabinet. I used to have a 50 foot hose between the compressor and the cabinet and now the cabinet is located just beyond the outside wall, about 4 feet from the compressor.
maybe the air was always hot and was cooling in the 50 feet of hose before it got to the blast cabinet?
anyone have any thoughts?
thanks. Joel
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