Posted by Eric B. on Monday, May 26, 2008 at 00:58:03 :
In Reply to: Calling all power giant experts!!!! posted by james on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 21:33:47 :
I have seen a lot of POwer Giant trucks, and none of the 1960 4wds or larger 2wd trucks ever had the gas filler hole filled, they all had the rubber plug.
The cowl vent changed from a handle under the dash to a knob on the dash in 1961, and that knob is only found in 1961-66 Town Wagons in the Power Giant body style.
There are a TON of changes from 1960 to 1961 Town Wagons, not the least of which is a 108 inch wheel base to a 114 inch wheel base.
What sort of information are you looking for?
If you are trying to ID a Town Wagon, find the VIN number, that is always a good place to start. Or post a picture, one of us here can most likely ID it from a couple of good pictures.