Posted by George (AB) on Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 17:28:13 :
In Reply to: Re: Punctuation; " how you ll doin" posted by iranch(dennisSD) on Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 09:37:56 :
I enjoy everyones style but will roll in my grave when I see our language 100 years from now. When I first saw how the net was ruining our language (some more) it upset me but I have learned to accept what others do. My mom (English) could take my three page essay & shrink it to five paragraphs without losing one point. I am 67 next month & still have problems rambling (notice? ha ha)& always recall my moms talent. I think Gordon is gifted as well. If you have some time, go back in Phils archives & read some of the posts around 40, 50 etc. There was a different tone then. Seemed more light & friendly. Like our language let`s strive to keep it there & not bicker over a< or a>, Thanks EH!, George
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