Posted by Chris Case @ San Diego on Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 23:59:01 :
In Reply to: HELP!!! Fuel Pump Problems... posted by Chris on Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 21:58:48 :
I would change any rubber hoses, especially those where some doofus cut the steel line to put in an extra filter. Having cut the line with a hack saw or dikes, he then forced the hose over the raw end, chewing up the insid eof the hose, alowing it to degenerate and collapse, plugging the line when under suction.
Or the hose has cracked, and you are sucking air.
Then I would try unhooking the fitting at the tank, and blow into the filler by mouth. You'll want to blow with 'Gillespie Cheeks", let your cheeks inflate like the way Dizzy Gillespie blows his horn. You want your cheeks to seal against the filler while you inhale through your nose and keeep blowing. Keep the pressure up- breath through your nose, kinda like the Budhist monks that whistle through their nostrils. When you are afraid you cheeks are about to rupture, close your eyes and jump back, DO NOT let the fumes come back the reverse path, it will burn the hairs out of your nose. By then, if you don't have a puddle of gas under the disconnected line, you have a plugged pick-up in the tank.