Posted by chriscase@san diego on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 12:18:13 :
In Reply to: Re: Charge it anydamway, or not at all. posted by Marty on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 10:41:01 :
"Dry Charged" keeps slow moving inventory from aging on the shelf. So, might be still popular in slow moving locales? and/or slow moving part numbers?
I just did a motorcycle battery, made in China. From Wal-Mart, it came with the acid in a 6-compartment dispenser. Pop off the six caps, fill all six cells at one time. $9 core charge on a 3# battery.
I did see an acid truck a whikle ago. 1-ton flatbed with a plastic tank strapped on. Used to get bulk acid like that to the shop I worked at in the 70's. We sold Delcos and a house brand. Later Interstate became popular locally. They deliver filled batteries and special orders overnight or faster.