Posted by copey on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 03:25:40 :
in 1971 this farm was a desert the previous owner whent to university to farm and they taught him to bull doze the place wide open no fence lines no trees he also cropped it to death corn after corn crop > i stopped spraying ddt 2 4 d and round up > i let for low spots grow back to poplar and birch> around the line fence there are now over 300 white oaks > in the spot that did have some tree growth i havested the great pines it was their time> and now is the time for the cedar to come out here they hollow at at 35 to 40 feet > i am a good stewart of the land and only take what i need and put back what i take > the power wagon will earn its keep and pay for its self but my daughter has put the draft horses harnes by the wood stove and oiled it so may be we will work together on the cedar > hope to have some pics to post ~J
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