Posted by Paul (in NY) on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 22:17:15 :
In Reply to: Paul posted by MoparMogSteve on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 21:09:09 :
Thank you for all the tips you shared. The batteries are new, the jaws close smoothly.
With that said, I think I found the problem. The jaws on both digital calipers are not closing evenly.
1. Mitutoyo; Holding to to a real bright light, the jaws at the root close, then there is light showing, then they are tight mid way and finally at the tapered end a tiny bit of light is showing
2. No Name Digital; Same test, the jaws at the root are closed and then all the way to
the tapered end, a tiny bit of light can be seen.
Is it possible to accurately hand stone the jaws for complete close ? How would you attempt this and what kind of stone. I would like them to all read the same and not be random number generators LOL
Thank You
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