Posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Monday, May 05, 2008 at 16:50:40 :
Just about finished the framing on the new PW Barn this weekend. Saturday we put up the roof trusses and ran all the purlins. The trusses were set by hand as the lifting equipment I thought was going to show up got stuck at another job site so plan "B" took effect. With help from a couple of bro' in laws and a few nephews we managed to flip them up in place. Plans call for 4' o.c spacing so each truss consisted of 2x8 bottom chord and 2x6 top chord and weigh just shy of 200 lbs each. Thanks to Ron in IND. for his last minute istallation tips via email, the 2x4 flipping "forks" worked great. The metal roofings been ordered and with any luck installed this coming weekend.......Kevin
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