Posted by David Sherman on Sunday, May 04, 2008 at 12:55:08 :
In Reply to: What do you use to get rid of mice smell ? posted by Ron in Indiana on Sunday, May 04, 2008 at 08:55:05 :
I get pack rats real bad in my trucks, and they stink more than mice any day. I usually just hose it out real good and park it in the hot sun. That works for me, but I don't have the greatest sense of smell. The bigger problem is that they eat the hoses and wires, build nests in places like air intakes, seats, or any sort of enclosure, and their effluent corrodes metal if you don't get it out in time.
Best long-term solution is to get a weasel, but I've yet to figure out how to keep them around. They move in, clean out all the mice, rats, and squirrels, and then move on. Pretty soon the rodents are back. One old-timer told me that if he ever found a weasel in his wood shed, he'd put out cat food for it to keep it around so it would kill the mice and rats.
You'd do well to look for damage and nests before you drive the truck whenever there's signs of rodents in it. My dad had the throttle on his '60 T-bird get stuck wide open on the freeway thanks to a pack rat nest. Nest was on the exhaust manifold, caught fire when the engine got hot, melted some plastic thing around the throttle cable, fire went out, plastic congealed, and cable was stuck. Didn't notice until he'd turned off onto the offramp and took his foot off the pedal. Turned off the ignition but at high RPM the V8 kept right on running. Stop light and traffic up ahead. Automatic transmission. He kept his cool and got it stopped, but I'm glad it wasn't me.