Posted by copey on Saturday, May 03, 2008 at 06:28:31 :
inresponse to your post you are very correct i am off topic way off>i would like to explain if you look at the power wagon and the north amercan economy they are parralel the P W rose from the ashes of victory of ww2 >for the next 20 years the US maintained super power status so did the power wagon> the truck it self represents more than a truck ,it was a truck to build, explore,and maintain a country on the RISE> a American made unit of unequaled proportion and has yet to have been duplicated or excedeeded in strenghth and longevity >the off topic comes in to play that the simple fact that these trucks are no longer built and why ,they didnt meet safty standards. emmision standards. crash testing all of which are political laws passed by govenments,or as i see inherant govenment weakness>and when you have to pay exessive amounts amounts for fuel to pursue your passion ,or purchase off shore junk parts to install in your machine or forced by insurance companys to prove your worth and pay a premium to drive your truck> or depend on a foriegn bank to finance your purchases >or pay a double tax when building a P W once on the parts and once on the purchase/sale price is that not government double dipping> the P W is soap box forum for what has happened in North America since the 70s bar none > the Power wagon is pure Americana in years from now history will look back and see the power wagons place in American history just as much as we look back at the first settlers who open the west by wagon train >excepting for the fact the greatest truck in the world fell to extinction not from mechanical ability but from forgien pressure and goverment legislation>the hope remains that there are a few remaining wagons are in the hands of people who realize what the have and how to protect it J
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