Posted by copey on Friday, May 02, 2008 at 00:08:50 :
tonight someone posted a question about toque break > i took that course 40 years ago ,time flys, but the one thing that comes to mind is ,the fact since then, i have seen a lot of accidents in the shop>trust me on this i have seen just about anything you could imagine happen to the human body>fact of the matter i would say all of these disasters could have been prevented> its the spit second that you will never get back> we have a saying at home here "we practice safty first, and farming second "! i know its nice to try to finnish up and its late or ill just be a minute ,what ever, but when your guard is down youll get caught> keep this hobby SAFE and dont ever have to regret a moments carelessnes, end up effecting you or your loved ones J take the time to make it safe