Posted by Ephraim on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 17:59:44 :
I drive a 94 kenworth log truck. It has a cummins N14. I get 5.5 mpg pulling 105000lb gvw. that is empty one way but avarage 5.5 mpg. If i can get that milage at 105000lb how come i can't get 11mpg at 52500lb. At that same ratio my 8000lb dodge ram should get 72 mpg. With a "newer" motor. Cut the weight in half again for a jeep it would get 144mpg. I know it don't all workout like it dose on paper but i don't see why my truck only gets 15-19 mpg. I have talked with a lot of truckers with the "new' cummins ISX and CAT twin trubos and thay get 3.5 mpg loaded or empty pulling up out of denver loaded or across kansas empty it is the same. Like the computer tells the motor how much fuel to burn. It seems like the engeners are trying to get them to burn MORE fuel cleaner than trying to burn LESS fuel. Just my two cents worth THANKS
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