Posted by john copeman ontario can. on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 16:40:57 :
In Reply to: past 30 years? posted by Norcal Dave on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 12:26:19 :
you deserve a better response : my parents never got over the great depression ,till the day the died, did they go on welfare no! they just DUG IN for the long haul>eight of my uncles and my dad "VOLUNTERED" for the army and severed 4 years right up to VE DAY >my father severed with rocky mountain rangers a U S trained and armed force and fought japanese > the americans brought in PRECISION DAY LIGHT BOMBING and leveled the german war industry (that tactic was ahead of its time)>in the boom that followed the conflict money and jobs were abundand > the family tradition was well endowed>i wont go to deep into communism, but it was the emeny political or not>at least with j edgar hoover the was a man attached to the bussiness he was in ,and accoutable for his actions , could you say that about the CIA! today>in the fiftys most kids had 22 rifle could stand up and shoot ,hunt, track the knew about the out doors>when vietman came along they had to scrap the M14 not because its was poor rifle the youth of the day could not handle the muzzle blast and the RECOIL much less hit a target >so you give them a BB gun a m16, to get by>it wasnt my war but thats what happens when you send boys in to do a mans job for leadership ( i regret the loss of all service men and women in that conflict and my sympathies to all)> i dont think richard petty would was runnin datsun, buddy >i never heard of drive by shootings, drug over doses in high schools > the streets were safe at night cops were cops, and yes they had street justice on there side to kick ass >you bet you would be swinging on a rope or got gassed if you crossed the line and commited the mortal sin, can you say that today >at the school, my kids go to they practice lock downs ,for armed intruders > the drill is ,that the principle tells the school children and staff to lock their doors and hide >MY butt i tell my kids get up and fight for your self better to die on feet than live on your knees >as for me, i sport a crew cut HAVE ALL MY LIFE and i drove a pick up truck american made! 4 speed one ton "no power steering" and wore denims and a T shirt with a pack of smokes up my sleeve (they calm the nerves and STIFFEN THE BACKBONE) > i am at the high school 3 to 4 times a week and at my age sans the bad foot , can out run the grade 9 gym class on a 2.5 K run> my self i like to run 5 miles every day and hit the iron THREE TIME A WEEK monday wed fri > when i ask a kid today ,at the school to drop and give me 20 they reaach in their wallet pull out a double saw buck (thats a twenty for the younger crowd) who never shoot a game of pool> the kids are soft , too soft x box ,game boy bla bla bla> they are out of breath climbing the stairs to class> BUT the greatest tragady in the last 40 years was the demise of the REAL power wagon ! J throw it
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