Posted by dave horvath on July 31, 2000 at 21:49:16:
One of the joys of the hobby is learning the secrets our trucks will reveal. I have had many surprises in disassembling various components of my 1950 B2-PW126.
Two clues which would help determine the age of a truck are the wheels and the heater. Most folks are probably familiar with the wheels - the year of manufacture is stamped right in (some of mine are stamped "48" and some are stamped "50"). This may not be visible under who knows how many layers of paint. But the date "MAR 1950" is readily visible in yellow paint in relief lettering on the inside of the heater vent at the bottom of the MoPar Model 62 Truckmaster heater.
So the next time someone asks what year a truck is, tell 'em to look at the heater?