Posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, April 03, 2008 at 09:57:17 :
In Reply to: Here, the difference between gas and diesel... posted by Doc Dave on Thursday, April 03, 2008 at 06:51:12 :
From MPGomatic
On substituting Diesel;
On average these high mpg vehicles would save the “average” owner about 700 gallons of fuel per years compared to the average light vehicle available in the US market for 2008. Use your own cost per gallon and see what that means to you and your family budget.
Automotive fuel consumption would be reduced by about 50% (or more) … putting money (up to about $3,000 per year @ $4/gallon … or more depending on the price of fuel) into the US consumers’ pocket to spend on “domestic” goods and services (including fuel efficient vehicles).
The large reduction in fuel consumption could free up 40% of domestic refining capacity which, in turn, allows decommissioning of excess capacity (probably obsolete or “at risk” facilities).
Money injected into the domestic economy generates not only potential for new profits but also new tax revenues to pay down National Debt, now approaching $9.5 TRILLION. At $4/gallon the injection potential is about $0.8 TRILLION PER YEAR at 44 mpg combined average. Leave it to the economists to figure out the annual rate of National Debt reduction for US.
Oil imports would ultimately be reduced to near 0% … saving ALL of those EXPORTED $$$$ traditionally used to pay for imported oil … improving National Security by reducing or eliminating oil imports. Obviously balance of trade is improved further as a result.
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