Posted by john copeman ontario can. on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 18:36:01 :
In Reply to: Re: there are brake jobs and there are brake jobs posted by Kaegi on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 17:22:11 :
hey here a midas story for you we had one in town they had a brake specail 99 bucks> my price on a PROFFESIONAL BRAKE JOB was nearly a G note ,savy .my custumers would ask why i was so expensive i said brakes are the single most important component on a car PERIOD if you dont do it right dont do it at all > so a few customers wondered to midas > oh they got cheap brakes, plus shocks, struts, mufflers tie rod ends, steering racks and a bill for 3000 bucks>since 1980s it was law to give a written estimate and only after the customer had approved it did you start work >i produced quality work and i stirved for ZERO come backs >my auto shop was over 5000 square feet and the body shop was 3000 >seven mechanics a few apprentices 3 body men plus preppers >i took no chances cut no conners and was busy six days a week and i still see those customers daily and they still ask me to make a come back>i was extremly fussy and expected the best in parts and employees>my labour rates were low and minimal parts mark up and all work quaranteed 12 months 12000 miles> i also carried quite a few people who couldn't handle a big repair>i sold many used cars infact thats were i made most of my money > i also settled disputes for the Minestry of Transportion, accident reports and safty issues and certificte of certification disputes so i had a good relation ship there> i didnt sell my shop i just walked away friends took tools parts ect , satisfied i had allways done my best
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