Posted by john copeman ontario can. on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 09:02:29 :
There seems to be a lot of issuses with charging systems which i can run over the basics.The battery is just a storage unit,it supplys power to start the vehicle>also it supplys power to the vehicle when the electrical demands EXCEDE the out put of the generator.Each cell of the battery generates approxamatly 2.2 - 2.5 volts(6 volt battery @8 volts)( a 12 volt batt has 13.5v)when fully charged>The generator supplys addition power when voltage drops , the voltage regulator points close the field is energigized and now the generator is a position to suppy power >when a predemermined voltage is reached the points open in the regulator charging stops> very similar to the points in a air compresser or a electric water pump > the starter is probably the most over looked part in the system >Often abused by to much cranking and over heated in the process,thrown solder and burning out windings >A starter that draws to much amperage from being worn out can overstress a charging system.By drawing heavy amperage to crank the engine and placing excedingly high demannds on the generator to constantly recharge the over worked battery
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