Posted by M Fanoni on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 at 03:19:13 :
In Reply to: O T 1911 colt posted by john copeman ontario can. on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 at 03:05:01 :
I have always been told the same. Hammer back, 1 round loaded, safety on. The one huge downfall of this is the tendency of some holsters to push the safety back to the "fire" position. If this happens, the gun is still relatively safe, considering that the grip safety still has to be pulled as well as the trigger. But just to look at it, the gun looks a little unsafe. If I were to carry my 1911, I think I would carry in Condition 1, which is what you describe.
I guess the main drawback of how you carry, (condition 2), is the extra time required to "bring the hammer back" before shooting. Not sure how critical it is in everyday situations, but if you carry for defense then it may make all the difference.
Power Wagon content? My 1911 sits in the glove box and enjoys it there.
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