Posted by D. Sherman on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 22:45:49 :
In Reply to: Re: OT Trying to Ban Wood burning in Ohio posted by Glen Idaho on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 21:49:47 :
Good points about fear. The best antidote that I know of to fear is knowing that you know how to take care of yourself no matter what happens, and knowing that you're close to the people that matter. These days a lot of people are afraid of such simple things as "what if the power goes out?" or "what if my car breaks down?", much less, "what if I get laid off?" or "what if there's a storm?"
The way I see it, a lot of this "rant", as you call it, is from people who DO know how to take care of themselves and their loved ones, but see the government as trying to prevent them from doing that. The guy that can heat his house with wood doesn't have to worry quite so much about the power going out, or about what the big companies and foreign governments do to the price of fuel, or even so much about losing his job. When we see the government trying to prevent us from being more self-sufficient, or trying to divide us from our neighbors and interfere with our families, then I think we're right to be concerned about it. Not all concern is "fear". This kind of concern is the "eternal vigilance" that is every free citizen's responsibility in order to preserve the best possible society for us to live in.
I don't personally know that a lot of guns and ammo is going to do much against laws against wood stoves, but the general idea of being able to be prepared, especially in cooperation with your good friends and community, to take care of yourselves in case "the system" fails seems like a good idea to me. Only you know in your heart whether you're acting out of fear or strength. There are some who say all government and laws are earthly illusions that we'd transcend if we were more enlightened, and so there's no point in paying any attention to such things. That's too lofty for me, as is the question of that one world leader you spoke of. I don't doubt a lot of men would like to be king of the world, and plenty will try. Even if we don't have a one world king, we sure have a lot of pieces of one world government already. And you're right, a lot of the reason people like it is due to fear.
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