Posted by iranch(dennisSD) on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 06:55:59 :
In Reply to: I hear you posted by D. Sherman on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 01:52:38 :
You forgot one big reason governments at all levels aren't truely interested in reducing oil consumption (leave plenty of loopholes), the taxes on gas and diesel are major sources of revenue. The whole thing could spiral into a mess;
the price of gas goes up
consumption drops
taxes get raised so prices go up
consumption drops
taxes go up so price goes up
consumption goes down
ect. ect.
I think (can't say know) the governments make more off the the sale of fuels than the oil companies. A important concept to remember. I don't see prices or usage dropping, they will both continue to rise and the smoke and mirrors coming out of Washington will just get thicker.
The other Dennis (up all night baby sitting new baby calves)