Posted by Rex on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 15:10:12 :
In Reply to: Re: President Bush should come to the Adirondack Mts posted by Rex on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 12:48:14 :
Norm, check out Occidental Petroleum (4th largest US Oil Corp.) whose oil production is 60% domestic, Texas, Okla.,etc. and gas production 70% domestic. That is PURE profit since they don't buy that from the Arabs but get it right here in the good ole USA, yet they tie their prices to the global market and make obscene profits off of you and I. Certainly you don't buy the API propoganda that Big Oil really only makes an itty bitty 8-10% profit. I guess Exxon gave Lee Raymond, their CEO, 350 million instead of a gold watch when he retired so their profit picture wouldn"t look so bad?
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