A Wise Man Once Said

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Posted by john copeman ontario can. on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 02:19:45 :

In Reply to: Re: President Bush should come to the Adirondack Mts posted by axelsteve on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 00:21:06 :

You can live on little profits,But you cant live on little losses!I am of the opinion that the north american economy is in deep trouble. Theirs is simply too much money going out of N A. Government spending is the issue bar none .Between the amount of dollars going out for, home land security ,milatary activaty.The war on drugs and crime,welfare.Add that to the fact that ship loads of oil comes in and for every one that does a ship load of dollars goes out.Foriegn manufactured goods sold here do the same,drain dollars . Foriegn investors ,banks and finance companies, as well leak out greenbacks.The balance of trade should be countered with the balance of POWER ..as if John Wayne would pay a hundred a barrel . "wwwelll listen up mr a rab i'm not even going to begin to think about payin ya that much ,fer a barrel of yor oil, we hang thieves in this country ,but mr a rab im going to let you off easy i am going to give ya a dollars worth a lead for it boom!

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