Posted by john copeman ontario can. on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 05:43:29 :
In Reply to: No ballast by-pass, but that was normal. posted by Chris Case @ San Diego on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 23:25:04 :
CHRIS IS SHARP Yes the original wiring from dodge did come with out a by pass for ballast resister .This was Chryslers biggest stumbling block in its entire history as a auto maker.Although the in line six had exellent reputation for durablity it was often ridiculed for being a poor starter.Sayings like "if you pissed beside a dodge it would not start"or "looks like rain lets bring the cap and wires inside"or "cold tonight bring in the battery". The problem was so simple but often over looked ,later most mechanics would just slip in a wire to off set that problem ,so when you cranked it over, the coil got a mininum of 9 to 10 volts .Were it got to the point of ridiculous(with out the by pass) is when temperatures dropped and batery efficancy was reduced 40 to 50 percent ,leaving battery voltage with 12 or less volts .With a 2.5 or 3 ,0 ohm ballast resister the coil would only recieve less than 4 volts, a no start situation..On the six volt models the condition was much worse,you started with a lower voltage (6) and had a 1,2 to 1.5 ohm resistors.On a good day you had just 4 volts for the coil add that to the fact batterys of the day did NOT come in " 900 cold cranking amps " like the ones we have today . So if you did not have the choke set a 100 percent and cranked her or timing was off a bit, or any other combination or were you used up the "juice" you were looking for boost.When people started reincarnating old stuff they were not satisified with the starting performance of their new ride in the six volt mode, every body rushed out to get a "12" volt converstion when simply put that one wire by pass would have worked .I have even seen a "8" volt battery manufactured to work in ^6 volt systems, to help starting .so dont let Chylers mistake be yours add the by pass at the resister .In my opinion thats the most important wire to get you started .