Posted by Chris Case @ San Diego on Friday, February 15, 2008 at 23:15:28 :
In Reply to: OT but still Dodge posted by Steve in Fl. on Friday, February 15, 2008 at 22:16:47 :
My 86 Ford would fry it's thermister every time it got a bit warm, then run like a POS.
It's got a couple other names too, like 'coolant temp sensor', and umm ummm more. Basically a temperature sender for the computer. Bad ones make the engine think it is still cold. Ford put that one past the thermostat, GM put theirs in the intake manifold.
Anyways, you may have two probs, the oveheating and now the ETS er whatever Dodge calls it. Might not be totally fried, just a bad sensor.
Pulling codes might tell all...