Posted by Jack Cain on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 18:33:48 :
Today, a Chesapeake lawmaker plans to introduce a bill that will ban "truck nuts" from your truck or SUV.
The nutty idea is the brainchild of Delegate Lionell Spruill. We're talking about the fake testicles people hang on the backs of their vehicles. Spruill's bill would ban anything on a car or truck that looked like human genitalia.
"Yeah, I definitely think those should be outlawed. I don't approve of that," says one local woman we talked to.
But others think its no big deal.
"Nah, that's not vulgar, that's funny," says one man.
Spruill says these types of dangling do-dads are tacky, vulgar, and downright embarassing. It still has a long way to go before it ever becomes law.
"It comes to a point where there are certain things you just can't do. And putting testicles on the back of a truck is just too much. So I am trying to stop it," he tells NewsChannel 3 in an interview.
Spruill says the idea for the bill came to him after the daughter of one of the people in his district saw a pair of the testicles hanging from the back of a truck in traffic. That's when Spruill put the bill in action. Although he says he hasn't found
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