Posted by D. Sherman on Wednesday, January 09, 2008 at 02:08:05 :
In Reply to: Well truck is backfiring and runs kind of sick. posted by Chris Becker on Wednesday, January 09, 2008 at 00:29:24 :
I'd start with a compression check since it's easy. Backfiring through the carb usually means an intake valve open when it shouldn't be. A stuck or burned valve will show up as bad compression that isn't improved by squirting oil on top of the piston. If the compression is good, the timing (spark or valve timing) may have jumped. Backfiring through the exhaust can have similar causes, but also anything that lets unburned gas get into the exhaust, like one bad spark plug or wire, can cause exhaust backfires. A compression test will tell you a lot. It's also easy to pull the distributor cap and see if the rotor's pointing where it should be, or put a timing light on it.
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