Posted by David Sherman on July 10, 2000 at 21:42:50:
In Reply to: diesels running on soybean oil, yes can be done.... posted by Allen patnode on July 07, 2000 at 18:17:15:
Sounds like the friend-of-a-friend kid in Leavenworth
(the town, not the prison) who's running his VW diesel
car on a 50/50 mixture of kerosene and used fryer oil.
He got the car for next to nothing so he's just doing
it as an experiment. This friend of his told me he's been
doing it for quite a while so if it's true that
non-esterified oil clogs the injectors, it doesn't do it
too fast. He must have a cheap source of kerosene, because
even without the road tax it's more expensive than
highway diesel around here.