Posted by Rob Steller on July 06, 2000 at 11:06:33:
I've long considered using silicone brake fluid in my PW's, and have finally gotten to a complete brake replacement. But what are the advantages of this more expensive stuff? 1) Higher boiling point-not an issue in PW's 2) won't absorb water - OK, but if you change your brake fluid yearly, the old stuff carries the water out with it. I've checked the silicone, and it is less dense than water, so any water that gets into your brake system will go to the bottom, i.e. your wheel cylinders, and stay forever as a corrosive droplet. This seems to disqualify it as an "upgrade" for us PW owners looking for a way to prolong the life of our hard found parts. I think I'll stay with DOT4, and keep up the annual maintenance. Anybody else have comments or experience with this? Thanks, Rob