Posted by Paul Cook in Kempner, Texas on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 22:47:43 :
In Reply to: So what truck do you think the 2009 looks like? posted by Will (in IL) on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 20:38:53 :
Of course all the trucks which copied a successful design will look like the
truck they copied. That's why they all are starting to look alike. Just check to see who has copied who has copied who has copied who has copied who.
How can we make a pickup truck look different? Change the number of headlights and their placement? Done that. Slab sides or unnecessary body indentations? Done that. Oh, I know... lets put the bed in front and have rear wheel steering. No, that's too much like a regular truck backing up.
Lets forget trucks and work on motorcycles. We can put the wheels side by side for a start. Oh Oh - That's been done. They call it a "Segway" and there are five different models for individual use - even off road.
Bottom line - a truck design can suck and no one will copy it - OR - it can be very good and everyone will copy it.