Posted by Russ Roth on Thursday, November 29, 2007 at 10:38:10 :
In Reply to: Chrysler did not... posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, November 29, 2007 at 09:58:28 :
I think this trans behind the diesels get a bad rap. The trans itself is not bad at all. The biggest reason they give trouble is they are behind a low rpm engine. The factory did
not up the line pressure in the valve body to compensate. When you are towing heavy then it can slip because the line pressure is not as high as it needs.
Rip Rook @ Source automotive is (was) running a 47RE in a 2nd Gen and is currently running a 48RE in a 3rd Gen that put out a LOT of power. The 3rd Gen was asked to not return to PIR until he installed a roll cage.=) They were hoping for 1,000 horsepower but I never heard if it dynoed that much. Plenty though to test the tranny. They use a Dunrite build which uses billet shafts, Triple disc converter, and an upgraded valve body with much higher line pressure and some other minor mods. They have to use different sealing rings to hold the pressure but other than that almost all the internals are stock. The factory internals are capable of holding a lot of power if you upgrade the weak points which is the torque converter and the low line pressure in the valve body. AFIK Rip has not lost either of those trannys.
That's not my opinion but Tony Garcin's who owns Dunrite. You may not have heard much about him (maybe nothing) but he started at least 2 of the big name diesel tranny guru's on their careers. I know this because he not only told me that I have sat in his office when they called for help on a problem they could not solve.
While you shouldn't have to upgrade a rig that should tow reasonably with no problems that does not seem to always be the case. But it isn't just Dodge, ford and Chevy have their own problems with trannies. It doesn't help either when guys start building the power these diesels are capable of.=)
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