Posted by bruce in CO on Friday, November 23, 2007 at 15:42:15 :
In Reply to: Re: Posting pictures posted by Brian Holt on Friday, November 23, 2007 at 13:52:25 :
When any poster on the Forum chooses to fill in the yellow email address box in the posting window, then their name appears highlighted by a different color at the top of their posting. This highlighted name serves as a link allowing any reader of the post to send that poster an email message.
For example, if you look at Marty's last post and click on his highlighted name at the top, you should be able to send an email message to him.
The poster's email address can be obtained from clicking on the link and bringing up an email message window.
When any poster chooses to NOT fill in the yellow email address box, then their name does not appear highlighted in their post and it is not possible for readers of the post to send them email messages via the link.
The "best of forum" topic on how to post pictures is the best explanation. The key thing to know is that a picture cannot be posted simply by typing in the path location and file name as it exists on your computer. The photo must have an assigned or designated linkable Internet address (or URL). If you have a way to assign a URL address to a photo, then you can do it yourself. There are a good number of regulars on the Forum who have websites or photo-sharing software where they can efficiently post photos. Many of these folks routinely offer like Marty has done to post emailed photos for posters who are not able to do it themselves.
We all enjoy seeing each other's pics.
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