Posted by Dana on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 10:44:29 :
Two flat-fender first series rear fenders for sale. Yes, just send me your ALL of your personal information, then I’ll send you a Romanian War Bond for $10,000 that you can cash at your bank and just send me the sale price, you can keep the rest for your troubles.......
No, I'm kidding!! I'm not the "Scam Man"! I do have a set of rear fenders and no bed on my truck - so if someone wants these before I stick ‘em on e-Bay, drop me an e-mail and an offer. They’re not perfect, they’ve been worked on, the one has a panel on the back half that’s been welded-in and covered over at a local metal shop. I believe it’s the left side that’s pretty darn straight and the right side is the beat-up/repaired side, but I’m not sure (you can look at the photos to tell). Not cheap, but I'll entertain offers on these.
The '49 pictured is a project I got before I just picked up a running '47. It's a long way from being up and running but I'd like to get at least $1,500.00 for it or I'll part it out (keep that in mind and send me your wish lists should I part it out).
The windshield frame is for sale, not rusted and in pretty good shape, sans the bullet hole - but I won't charge extra for that. $300.00?
Everything located in S.E. Nebraska. And if sold before I throw 'em on e-Bay, you know I'll send Joe a cut for the forum!
Drop me an e-mail and I'll try to get back to whoever e-mails me. First come, first serve!
Tell your wives (or husbands!)... the Holidays are right around the corner and you can tell ‘em Santa-Dana has just what you want!!
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