Posted by Igor on Friday, November 09, 2007 at 18:52:52 :
Is it true they want to scrap all cars/trucks 10 years and emission test 15 year and older? Those liberal green hyppies led by freak-clown Al-Gore lost they fkng mind.
Follow Ups: Re: F.up California - Norcal Dave 19:25:50 11/09/2007 Re: F.up California - M Fanoni 20:35:34 11/09/2007 Re: F.up California - MoparNorm 22:21:25 11/09/2007 If every vehicle was diesel powered... - Ken Dunnington 13:36:31 11/12/2007 Re: F.up California - axelsteve 01:30:45 11/10/2007 Re: F.up California - David Sherman 15:02:35 11/10/2007 Re: F.up California - John Deere Green 23:30:22 11/09/2007 Re: F.up California - MoparNorm 06:28:46 11/10/2007 Re: F.up California - Howard in Newcastle 18:59:17 11/09/2007 Re: F.up California - Todd Wilson 23:56:20 11/09/2007
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