Posted by djw on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 14:02:32 :
In Reply to: Re: another "Pasturized" PW posted by Mark S. on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 12:31:00 :
wow you guys are luckyto live in parts of the country were PW,S seem like they were they used lots.It must have been quite a site in the 50,s,60,sand early 70,s to see them at local gas stations,construction companies,farms,etc being used as they were intended.i think i remember seeing my first pw when i was around 10 years old on the way to school in winnipeg(i knew what a willys was)out here on the flat prairies there just wasn,t as much need or people enjoyed pushing each others out of snow,i guess we also had asurplus of tractors in rural areas.boy you guys were lucky.
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