Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 12:26:16 :
In Reply to: No Offense Taken posted by Ken C. on Friday, October 12, 2007 at 15:34:27 :
Cool. Don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining. Ya have to deal with what's dealt to ya the best ya can. You can take all the right steps at all the right times & still have things happen. That's just life.
No, the Fed wasn't set up to help with my (or anyone else's) medical issues. However, ya just don't kick a person when they're down either. I'm more fortunate than many other's, being a vet with a service connected disability, and AM entitled to medical treatment.
Here I go again myself again, there was a song out by a group known as CDB. It was called "Lomg Haired Country Boy". Even though I was raised inthe inner city, I kinda related to it, as that's the way I was. "I don't want nuthin if I can't git it on my own". (not complete)
Again, I ain't cryin but, ANYTHING I do physically, I have to weigh the risk. If I move the wrong way, I could end up in a chair, paralized from either the waist or neck, down.
That's the how & why we got the Beast, cause I can't do the normal father/son stuff with Maynard, & the Mrs figured that would be a way for ua to bond. Do Do happens & ya just have to adapt.
Now, ya got all these big corps out there controling everything. Hell, my home owners insurance just went up, not because we made to many claims, but because of my financial condition, which was mainly caused by BS doctors.
I accept my mistakes. God knows I made plenty. I'll probably make plenty more before I die. Why should I have to pay for other's mistakes too? When I got hurt initally, I did the right thing & got a lawyer. I wasn't asking for anything other than my medical expenses to be covered.
I got screwed by the lawyer. What's my recourse? Ever try & get one lawyer to go after another? Then the docs. Bad treatment put me in worse shape. BTW, for all you with high cholesterol, stay away from Lipitor. Try Zetia instead.
Here in the great state of Illinoisssss, the AMA is a very powerful organization. Ya know doctors can legally change/alter their records with no legal repercussion.
I jest want those that know all the answers to remember the HOW & WHY the Fed got to be as big & powerful as they did. That's because at the local levels, everything got so damn corrupt & the regular guy didn't have a chance anymore. Of course it was only a matter of time before that corruption worked it's way up. Oh well.
Now, on to somethin REALLY important. Anyone hear anything about Israel attacking Iran this morning? Supposedly they did an air strike & knocked out the Iranian nuke sites. And also about Turkey invading Iraq & goin after the Kurds? Can anyone say "DRAFT"?