Posted by Keith in Washington on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 14:46:25 :
I did a lot of driving since I last posted. I have done 5,000 miles since I left home and I still am planning on hitting Hollister. I should be in Reno for awhile.
My brother and I covered a lot of territory. We had everthing from 90+ degress down to 28 degrees. We had major thunderstorms and light snow in Yellowstone.
We went to the following places;
Wall Drug SD
Black Hills (Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Deadwood et al)
Sturgis SD
Devils Tower WY
Little Big Horn MT (Custer's last stand)
Cody WY (Buffalo Bill"s Museum is worth several days on its own)
Yellowstone WY
Grand Teton WY
I have taken over 700 pictures so far. I will get some of them online in the near future.
They only downside of the trip is that the wife is not too happy. She really wanted to come along but could not break away from school for that long (she is a teacher). To top it off I am with the grand kids for awhile. Maybe its best that I do not head home. I know that she has lots a plans for me like rebuilding the main staircase redoing the main fire place and getting the house ready for a new carpet. I am going to pull the carpet and screw down the 1 1/4" plywood floor as it squeeks in some areas. I wish I could glue it down before I screw it.
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