Posted by Arthur P. Bloom on Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 05:31:02 :
In Reply to: 2006 Arizona Power Wagon Rally...Pay up Deadbeat posted by Paul (in NY) on Friday, September 14, 2007 at 21:53:37 :
Geez, Paul, that's an awful long time to have to wait for your money. I think you should send an invoice once a month for several months in order to establish your position, legally. Then take him to small claims court in NY. You can serve the papers by U S Mail, or FedEx. He won't want to travel all that way to defend himself, and you will at least have the satisfaction of winning by default.
You won't get your money, ever, because that's the way these small-time crooks operate, but you can put a lien on something he owns, like a motor vehicle or house, so that when he goes to sell, there's a little thorn under his toenail.
It's really too bad that this has happened, but especially bad form for it to have happened to someone like you who has given so selflessly of his time and talent to all of us here.
Like the Good Book teaches us, "No good deed goes unpunished."
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