Posted by MikePA on Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 20:19:55 :
In Reply to: Re: BINGO! Open your eyes! posted by Marty on Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 16:05:59 :
I have enjoyed the sprinkling of your wisdom throughout the posting.
The thing is that the reason we Christians do try to reach out to others isn't out of a superiority complex or wanting to force a belief on others. It comes (or should) from a true belief that the decisions made on this earth will effect your eternity and whether you spend it with the God of all or fully aware of the distance between yourself and him. We feel it's extremely important and for many of us it takes a lot of our lives to get up the guts to talk (or write) about it publicly.
It's not about a crutch or coping mechanism, although at times it's the only thing that gets us through, and we believe that it's more than just "being a good person," because if that were the case nobody would be good enough....including the "best" Christian.
So, we're not like this out of weakness, or stupidity or ignorance. For those who have posted that they're Athiests or other we haven't come back with "You're going to burn in Hell, or How stupid you are." At least I don't think anyone did.
Someone started the post so we have taken the opportunity to say "Yeah, I'm a Christian too." And that's all.
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