Posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 10:46:00 :
In Reply to: John posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 08:33:07 :
If you do decide to purchase a Oxy/Acet Torch setup, may I recommend the following;
1. Do not buy it from some Big Box store, but rather buy at at a Local Welding Supply Co. They will be there for service, answer questions and have needed supplies.
2. An Oxy/Acet Torch is NOT a tool you take out of the box and start using. Its a
DANGEROUS tool, that with proper instruction can be used very safely. Please, take a class on Oxy/Acet Torch use. Local Vocational Schools have evening courses or as a minimum require that your Local Welding Supply teach you Proper Procedures, Safety Issues, and some Actual Hands on use as part of your purchase....even if you have to pay them for the training.
If they will not give you this training, find another Welding Supply to buy from. The welding supply I buy from has a training area set up, and the main office in Syracuse has a complete building with 2,4 day , and week long training offered on all aspects of cutting/welding in all modes.
Oxy/Acet Torches are safe when procedures are followed, or they can/will seriously bite the
untrained user.
Be Safe
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