Posted by Greg Coffin on May 30, 2000 at 00:14:21:
In Reply to: 41 wc frt wheel cyl kit number? posted by David Hunt on May 29, 2000 at 23:57:45:
IF, IF, IF the 1/2 ton WCs use the same parts as the 3/4 ton WC and Power Wagons, NAPA #6 wheel cylinder kits will work (left and right are the same). New wheel cylinders are also available, and not very expensive. NAPA #9375 (left), #9376 (right). These are also the Wagner part numbers, so you can cross-reference them at other store if a NAPA is not convenient. If the 1/2 ton parts are different, I haven't a clue!
Good Luck,
Greg Coffin