Posted by Jonas on June 15, 2000 at 10:59:31:
Well, I've been hiding it from you all for a few years now, It's been in the back of the shop you know, But this weekend at The Manly Man Festival in Roslyn, WA.(also known as Cicly, Alaska to you Northern Exposure fans.) I, Jonas Smith, will unveil the rarest of all WWII dodges and triumphantly drive down the center of town (not using any roads mind you!) in the Fraternal Order of the Manly Men parade!
Men will be amazed! Women will be astonished! Small children will be wisked inside to shield thier eyes from such blatent manliness!
People will yell " WHAT THE HELL IS THAT UGLY THING!!! (and who let it in the parade anyway?)
That's right folks, The prototype single door version of the famous 3/4 ton command car that runs on not gasoline but.... SPAM!!! Yes, the manliest of all fossil fuels! (Hey, dont laugh, Patton knew he might run out of gasoline, but there would be plenty of Spam leftover from the C-rats!)
Also in our cadre of Manly vehicles will be a M-37 (W/ V8 motor, a WWII chevy 1.5 ton 4x4 dumptruck, and a F-700 2 ton 4x4 Budweiser beer delivery truck!
Stay tuned for pictures of the parade and Manly Man festival to follow next week (after the forum gets refreshed!)
P.S. does anyone have a good Spam recipie for the Cookoff? (I just eat it raw you know!)