Hey Russ in WYO...

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Posted by John Eickhof on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at 00:34:06 :

Just to let you know... Monday, I was hornswaggled into attending the annual 'three island crossing'get together in Glenn's ferry Idaho this next weekend ( By Niall Irish and Louie Bay )with the Jeep & MV club from Twin Falls... I decided to drive the Wyoming M-37 there... but as usual, I had procrastinated the repairs to the front axle from the damage at Moab this year... anyway, thanks to Seve Elliot, I have the bushings and after making another seal removal tool tonite, I found my original one !! So I got the old seals out and will put it all together tomorrow nite after work... I will tow the Pioneer Trailer with my camping gear in it to the three day event...held at the 'three island crossing state park' site of the original ferry crossing of the snake river on the Oregon Trail. We should be going to the Bruneau Sand Dunes and wheeling too! I have never been there so this should be a fun trip!! I saw the video shot by your assistant..it was GREAT!!!! Next year I hope you use the chevron tread tires! I'll bet you pull a 'full pull'!!! Take care, john

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