Posted by Steve Elliot on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 09:14:08 :
In Reply to: advantages of propane???? posted by DoDgE BoY - MaDe in the USA on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 00:15:13 :
I have recently converted my Unimog 404 to propane. I really love it. It starts instantly. No more problems with rust in the fuel tank or gas getting old. I have not noticed any drop in power. I added a petronix kit in the distributer. Also added a flame thrower coil. Changed the timing to 12 degrees btc. It runs better than it ever ran on gasoline. Propane needs a 50 percent hotter spark to ignite. It is also higer octane. Supposedly about 110. Cheaper than gasoline. I'm sold. I may try the same on my FFPW. The cost is up around a thousand dollars.
Steve in Boulder Creek, Ca.