Posted by NorCal Dave on Monday, August 13, 2007 at 16:47:49 :
In Reply to: Re: Engine wont start without pouring gas down carb posted by Marty on Monday, August 13, 2007 at 16:13:09 :
Since my ffpw is down home getting worked on, we are relieing on our 3 speed 1979 Jeep CJ-5. I don't believe it has a glass bowl filter, but I'm guessing an inline plastic filter. I havent checked that so I don't know what size fuel line or a part number on a replacement fuel filter. It didn't occur to me about the fuel filter until after I left last night, so I don't even know where its located on the jeep.
So how would I test the fuel pump, to start with the simplest things? Is it as simple as removing the fuel line from carb, and while cranking the engine over seeing if the fuel line squirts into a bucket? I guess that would limit the problem to either gas tank, fuel filter or fuel pump. How should the fuel line flow; steady and hard, intermittant and spitty, or steady and slow?
Is there a way to test the accelerator pump? If it were the acc pump, wouldn't it behave poorly everytime you leaned on the gas hard, not just every once in a while?
How can you check for a vacuum leak?
If it were a cracked fuel line, I would guess that I would see a drip on the floor after I was cranking the engine over, although I could imagine you might not see evidence if it were small enough. But the fact that once started it starts easier until its next extended rest, so that would tend to make me think it wasnt a cracked fuel line I would guess that would be everytime. I really dont know, just guessing.
Obviously, before I go tearing off the carb to get it rebuilt, I'd like to test to narrow down the problem.
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