Posted by Tim Holloway on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 12:29:05 :
I plan on having a blast! So can YOU, by attending the Lee Rally. If you have never attended a Rally, here is your chance to meet lots of great like minded folks, eat some awesome food, go on great trail rides enjoy a fun time with the raffle and silent auction. If you have been to Rallys in the past then you have no excuse for not going, you already know what a blast it is!
There have been MANY great donations for the fundraiser aspect of the event but more are always appreciated. Its not too late to send me stuff, or you can send cash donations directly to Dave Fraser. Details are on the web site, the link is listed below.
Many thanks to those who have already donated and thanks in advance to those who are soon to donate. You can check out a list of the great donations on the web site.
Pete Fraser's widow is not aware that we are having this fund raiser for her and her Daughters, lets really go out of our way as the Power Wagon Community to make this a huge success.
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