Posted by David Sherman on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 01:54:41 :
I was just looking over a pair of "forward fueling equipments" I bought from GL last winter, and was surprised to find manufacturers' manuals for the motor and a TM for the pump itself in a canvas bags on them. They're basically a centrifugal pump with a lot of assorted hose and various fittings and adapters and a fuel/water separator. They appeared to be unused and I figured I could use them as fire water pumps or sell them as such. I don't think very many people need a 100 GPM diesel-powered fuel pump with 2" hose. I don't remember what I paid, but it wasn't a lot.
I just assumed the pump was powered by a mil-standard gas engine, it turns out it's not. It's a little 1-cylinder diesel engine made by Motorfabrik HATZ GmbH in West Germany. It starts with either a rope or a crank. I'm not sure if I have the cranks or not. I don't think I like the idea of diesel motor with a rope or crank starter and no glow plugs, since diesels are hard enough to start with an electric starter. On the other hand, if I believe the manuals, this is fine German engineering and maybe they worked a miracle with it. There is some sort of automatic compression release to help with starting.
So, anybody heard of one of these things? Anybody used one?
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